Indigo Wellness Center

A wellness center focused on giving back to our community coming to Harrison Avenue in Eureka

We’re looking for
wellness practitioners
to join our team.

Think you might be who we need?

We’re looking for team members that are passionate about their work, knowledgeable about their expertise, incredible at customer service, and provide a grounded and calm client experience.

Indigo is a place of…

  • Humboldt Honor

    We are proud to be located in the heart of Eureka and proud to honor this community in everything that we do. Our center and services have been inspired by the magic of this county and the beautiful people within it.

  • Exceptional Service

    Each of our practitioners is capable and qualified in their services and continues to grow their understanding and knowledge of their craft. We deliver elevated services for a wholistic approach to wellness.

  • Restorative Rest

    The heart behind Indigo is to bring rest to our clients. We aim to serve the caregivers who give so much away. A space to reset, to be taken care of, a spot to find your zen and leave feeling lighter, warmer, and more supported.

We’re making a debut soon

From building renovations to cultivating the perfect team, Indigo Wellness Center is coming to Harrison Ave.

The gears are turning, we are hoping to begin construction soon. In the meantime, our focus is on finding the right people to join our team, while our building renovations are being done.

We’re looking for experts in…

  • alternative Medicine

  • Reflexology

  • Nutrition

  • Life Coaching

  • And so much more

Stay in touch.

If you’d like to move forward learning more about Indigo Wellness, sign up below.